Wednesday, November 14, 2012

No Country for Whiners

Post-election reaction from the Republican’s loss has been nothing short of amazing. From the Karl Rove FOX News meltdown on election night, Donald Trump calling for a revolution to attempts by conservative pundits to demonize anyone who voted for President Obama as “people who want things.” Unbelievable. Business owners who supported Romney are reacting swiftly and viciously. There’s a business owner in Florida who says he will fire those he suspects of voting for President Obama. Others are using the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), a law that doesn’t go into effect fully until 2014 as an excuse to fire employees. Firing workers in advance of law becoming effective in its entirety is typical of Republicans who didn't get their way and are now throwing temper tantrums and punishing their work forces.

Papa John’s Pizza CEO, John Schnatter said he plans on passing the cost of health care reform to his workers by reducing their hours so that they fall under the 30 hour threshold which requires employers to provide insurance for employees. Excuse me but aren’t most of these $8 per hour workers part-time anyway, how many would he actually have to insure? It’s important to note that before the election Schnatter said that because of Obamacare he would likely have to raise the cost of pizza by 11 to 14 cents per pizza. I have no idea how this translates into reducing employee hours. This man is rather clumsily trying to make a point that because of President Obama he has to reduce hours…ridiculous. Serious business owners don't make controversial comments that insult over 50% of the voters (customers) and expect it not to hurt their business. Real world business owners have cost increases all the time and they don't just fire their employees every time vendors increase their cost, they simply increase their price and pass it on to the consumer and at 14 cents more per pizza who would even notice. Just a quick accounting lesson Mr. Schnatter, employee healthcare is a legitimate expense on your income statement and although it may reduce your net profits it doesn’t influence sales it only affects how much more you get to put in your greedy ass pockets. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one in the restaurant industry making these threats. Darden Restaurants, the parent company of Olive Garden and Red Lobster, have already reduced hours in anticipation of the legislation. Applebee's franchisee owner Zane Tankel said his company won’t hire new workers because of the law. If they all had taken that money they pumped into Republican Super PACs and instead invested it in healthcare for their employees, there would be no problem.

Of course we now have fanatical Romney supporters passing around statewide petitions to secede from the United States. Petitions have been filed in 20 states and not just southern states like Alabama where they take in $2 for every $1 they pay in federal taxes, New York, California and New Jersey have signers on the lists, which only proves that idiots reside in all parts of the country. Each nut ball who signed these petitions should immediately be put on a list by the federal government. They should be denied access to social security, Medicare, Medicaid, homeland security, FEMA and government funded education to start with. No more subsidies or tax rebates for their businesses, let’s see how long they remain in business or employed. On the other hand if they secede, businesses that remain in the U.S. can outsource to these new countries and pay their dumb asses $1 an hour like they do in China. Of course this hatred has been manufactured and stoked by over-the-top rightwing pundits who see conspiracies behind ever door. You know the same ones who complain that President Obama is trying to divide the country.

So where are the Republican politicians and why aren’t they denouncing these actions? If this had happened after the 2000 or 2004 elections which put George W. in office, you better believe they’d be out in full force to righteously label these people as unpatriotic traitors and threatening them with prison based on acts of treason. So where are they, still attacking President Obama of course. They have the nerve to accuse him of voter fraud suggesting he suppressed people’s right to vote…really! These people need to get a dose of reality. I say we get a petition going to have all of these traitorous idiots deported. With fewer of these unintelligent nuts around we may become a smarter country…and be sure they take Donald Trump with them.


  1. Not only take Donald Trunp, but also take Allen West, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Grover Norquist, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell et al.

  2. Add Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent, Chuck Norris, Michelle Bachman and Hank williams , Jr. and you've got a bakers dozen.
