Sunday, September 12, 2021

The White Negro


 Larry Elder is the very definition of a Coon. A Republican butt licking, big teeth grinning, tap dancing fool. A Black Face stand in for White Supremacy. On Tuesday Larry Elder could also very likely become the next Governor of California. There’s nothing more that racist denying Republicans love than an African-American willing to sing their praises and agree with their entire bigoted rhetoric and they would love to prove their non-racism by putting him in office.

Because the state of California has dumb ass voting laws, this poor excuse for a Black man could get a little as 15% of the vote to win if less than 50% of the voting public vote no on the recall of Gavin Newsom. Crazy? Yeah, I know. In fact, the state only requires 12% of the electorate to initiate a recall which means it’s easier to become governor of California through a recall election than it is through the normal system. Newsom could get more actual votes denying the recall and still lose based on percentages. California Recall Explained.

So, what about this White Negro Larry Elder. This man thinks the struggle of Black people is a myth. He’s part of the pull yourself up by your bootstraps crowd. If you don’t succeed in America, it’s because you’re lazy and lack ambition and there’s no such thing as systemic racism. You know, as long as you don’t talk about racism then it doesn’t exist and if you do talk about it, you’re the real racist. He also promotes reparations for the descendants of former slave owners. Mr. Elder says that because they lost their property at the end of the Civil War, they should be legally compensated. And by property this asshole means slaves. Let me sum this craziness up for you. Because the South lost their bid to retain ownership of our ancestors, this clown thinks the offspring of these same cruel, inhumane, cold-hearted rapists should get paid. Seriously, I did not make this up. You really can’t fix stupid.

Larry Elder is an unqualified and ignorant buffoon. Just like his MAGA hero Trump. His goal is to turn California into Texas and Florida. He wants to strip the state of all Covid mandates and let the ‘Rona run wild and even though the state maintains a Democratic majority his plan is to veto any legislation that would prove contrary to his conservative agenda. By the way I heard standing in front of a speeding train cures Covid.  Also, if Diane Feinstein don’t sit her old decrepit ass down. If something happens to her and she pulls a RBG we’re screwed in the Senate. This clown may get to appoint her replacement and completely upset the Senate majority we’re barely holding on to.

To those who think, “Nah couldn’t happen, there’s no way Liberal California would elect Elder”, let me say this. Clears throat. VOTE DAMN IT! They made it super easy for you. Mark the No box on your ballot and drop it in the damn mailbox. Its postage paid so it won’t cost a thing. Drop it in the mail or a ballot box by Tuesday. If you have not yet done so, get your ass out and vote. Not because Gavin Newsome is an awesome choice but because the alternative is horrific.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Freedumb Of The Ignorant


You have every right as an American citizen to remain unvaccinated. You also have a right to be a complete idiot. Look, as a vaccinated person I can still contract the virus but my odds of survival  are astronomically greater. Additionally, I can still pass the Rona on to your unvaccinated dumb ass and kill you off. 

Unfortunately, these Covidiot anti-vaxxers are simpletons. Uninformed idiots who ignore  scientific data in favor of perceived civil rights and ridiculous conspiracy theories. Ill-informed morons who believe vaccinations contain microchips and magnets or that they are creating Covid variants. How about this one, illegal immigrants are causing the infection spikes not the millions of unvaccinated Typhoid Mary dumb asses already here roaming and polluting the country, refusing to wear masks and assaulting flight attendants on planes. These theories are further intensified by social media misinformation and QAnon spouting right-wing pundits. How ironic that these same idiots who rely almost exclusively on the internet for information are completely oblivious to the Googles. A simple Google check will quickly prove any nut job conspiracy theory wrong. Who am I kidding, they’d find a conspiracy in that as well. 

Don’t get me wrong, everyone has the right to make their own decisions regarding their body. Conversely, others have the right to mandate rules and restrictions for your presence in their homes and businesses. When your decisions affect and impact the health of those you come into contact with, you must be held accountable. And to be clear, vaccination mandates are nothing new. Public schools have required proof of vaccination for Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella since I was a child (insert old age joke here) and it’s true that there have always been conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers but until now they were not taken seriously. It’s also true that the United States has always been filled with selfish, self-centered nonsensical people. But where is the line drawn between ignorance and just outright stupidity? Nitwits who refuse a free vaccine instead stupidly follow the advice of the equally uninformed. Seriously, ingesting medication designed for cows and horses? Dafuq??!! 

Honestly, why do we have to even require mandates for people to do the right thing and when did common sense become political? You shouldn’t have to mandate doing the right thing. Some things should be done voluntarily by default. But in the meantime, it’s really simple. . Don’t want to get a vaccine? Keep your ass at home. Don’t want to vaccinate your children so they can go to school? Homeschool them or educate them on The Facebook so that they become as ignorant and dumb as yourself. Don’t want to be vaccinated in order to attend large public events and gatherings? Stay the fuck away. I don't know, maybe the people who are so terrified of wearing masks have shit breath or something.

Friday, January 8, 2021

The Real Assholes of D.C. (Recap)

 I gotta be honest, I can’t think of a more fitting end to this 4-year shitass reality show. The best part of all of this is the reaction of White people who are “shocked, surprised and appalled” at the behavior of their trash ass brethren and the attack on their cherished American democracy. Not me. I’m not surprised at the behavior of the D.C. Police. I’m not surprised that these confederate flag waving traitors were able to ascend the steps to the Capital, break down the doors and enter. And I certainly was not surprised to see White legislators pumping their fist and urging these terrorists on, only to back pedal and contradict their support the day after…by the way fuck Lindsey Graham’s bitch ass…seriously.

There’s no use in arguing the fact that if these White trash insurgents had been Black not one of them would have survived. There’s no need to inquire where was the National Guard or why these fanatic Trump ass kissing losers at the very least were not cuffed, hog tied and arrested as they left the building. It’s useless to point out that they felt so comfortable in their privilege that they posed for pictures in the offices of legislators with their feet up and then boldly posted them online. Some things are just too blatantly obvious.

In the midst of this White Power attempted coup, head seditionist in charge Donald Trump sent out a message of sympathetic love to the lawless mob he had incited and let them know they were “very special”.  This man and all of his complicit GOP compatriots should be rounded up and hung for treason. Is it necessary I point out that there will be no consequences for their actions? There will be incessant whining and white tears shed about those who seek to destroy the fabric of our democracy, but no consequences. Congressional offices were trashed, and furniture was thrown out of windows. The dumb asses took pictures of themselves doing it still, there will be no consequences.

This hillbilly revolt should be the catalyst leading to some systemic changes, but I have no faith in this happening. The fact that it took them this long to recognize this idiotic QAnon conspiracy raging cult as domestic terrorists is not at all encouraging.  They’ve been sympathetically labeled as disgruntled, restless and on edge even after plotting the kidnapping of a U.S. Governor and storming the state capital with guns. To be clear, there will be arrests and some will face charges but only to relieve the consciences of those who allowed this Orange man’s illicit ravings to continue unhindered. But it will only be for show.